Other Services….
AutoCAD Tuition, Surveys, Blocks, Website / Graphic Design
AutoCAD Tuition
Allow us to help you to get the most out of AutoCAD - tailored to your business requirements
I have used AutoCAD almost daily for over 20 years, first learning on version R12 (Currently running 2018 version) We can advise the most cost effective version to suit your needs if you don’t have AutoCAD already / consider it to be cost prohibitive.
AutoCAD is huge! but don’t worry you will probably only need to know at the most 1% of it’s capabilities to draw and print the drawings you desire.
Quality - not Quantity!!! Ok so you can draw, but can you draw efficiently? I regularly receive cad drawings that are 10X the size they could be... and this causes no end of problems, to big to email, too large to flick through the layout tabs, taking forever to jump into model space…. maybe this sounds familiar! There is no need for this this, it is just bad practice and quickly fills up hard drives / servers / cloud storage… there should be a built in limit at max file size 5MB!! There is no need to ever go beyond this limit and it would make drawings workable for everyone. I can show you how even drawing large buildings requiring 100+ drawings does not need to exceed 5MB
In addition to good draughting practice, the following commonly used items are discussed and tailored to suit your drawing / business requirements and also importantly to suit your computer performance.
Viewports vs Layout tabs
How to draw / when to use Blocks
How to draw / when to use Dynamic Blocks
Xrefs - when / when not to use
Maybe you are just needing an .DWG file of an object / a block / a dynamic block? (very handy!!) or a drawing / detail of anything….
Please get in touch, we will be glad to advise the most efficient way forward regarding details for items (and variants of items that you regularly require for your drawings) We love drawing something new and with our vast experience you can be assured this will be an economical way for you to provide details which you / your clients may require.
Maybe you are just needing a survey carried out of an existing building / plot.
We are pleased to be able to survey and provide scale drawings in Paper, PDF & CAD format. We have experience of surveying and providing ‘As Built’ drawings for Dwellings / Business premises / Car-park re spacing / Service layouts / Industrial installations (small-med.) including on site fuel islands for local authority & MOD sites. Both directly for the property owner and as a subcontractor. The requirement for drawings for a project (even on projects not requiring Planning or Building Warrants) is often only realised on completion (as good builders can build to the clients requirements, whilst building to the building regulations…) and we are often asked to survey and draw up a structure that has been built as the end client often requires an ‘As Built’ drawing for their records on completion.
Websites / Graphic Design
We are also pleased to be able to offer assistance / advise with websites and their content… We use and recommend a self build website provider / host called ‘Squarespace’. We think this method of creating a website represents great value for money (sorry value engineering at work here again!! - and no, I have no vested interest in bigging them up!) versus using a specialist web company. There are two main things you the end client will usually always have involvement with when it comes to a website, regardless of which route you take. The layout / Presentation and the content. Even these self build websites require a little time and effort to turn one of their polished templates / examples into the website perfect for you. Also if you want to display your content in more unique manner in order to stand out, I would suggest that rather than simply upload some pictures you have in your files as these may require a little cropping / editing first to really make them pop… we recommend turning your graphic content into a collage and watermarking it as something of utmost importance is content protection….It is only too easy for any one to right click and copy your pic… and before you know, some of the pics of your best work / products are on someone else’s website! We are of the opinion that a balance needs to be achieved when it comes to presentation. Take our primary line of work for example - Architectural drawings - there is only so much information you want to ‘give away’ (i.e you may not want your clients name all over your content - I sometimes have to use a clients drawing title sheet for example…. or the technical content…this is private and project specific and should not be able to be replicated. Basically we pride ourselves on being able to present, what we regard as private / copyright info, whist clearly demonstrating to the world what it is that we do, and the quality of our product.